Delphine Theophanides


Delphine Translations

Logo: Delphine Translations

Äckerwaldstr. 20F
70619 Stuttgart



After graduating from Paris 7 University (Master II – Specialised Translation and Language Industry) in 1993 and from Strasbourg University (Master II - Business Administration) in 1995, I worked as a translator and translation editor at IFRA, Germany (today "WAN-IFRA": the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers) for more than 11 years. I then became a freelance translator in 2009 and have now been working in the language and translation industries for more than 20 years.


I translate all kinds of general, technical and business documents from English, German and Spanish into French, but my special areas of expertise are: News publishing industry (newsroom organisation and strategy, advertising business, cross-media environments, advertising and editorial solutions, media convergence and multi-channel publishing), Newspaper printing industry (prepress, print production and mailroom processes), Information technology (Internet, web content, e-business, e-media, e-reading), General marketing, advertising, editorial, economics and technology 


Englisch   »   Französisch *
Deutsch   »   Französisch *
Spanisch   »   Französisch *
* als Muttersprache

Fachbereiche / Übersetzungen

  • Finanzen
  • Industrie
  • Kunst
  • Marketing
  • Musik
  • Politik
  • Public relations
  • Technik
  • Touristik
  • Umwelt
  • Webseiten
  • Wirtschaft

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